Setup your own webcam 
Get on the net live: and here is how to do it! If you want to start your own window to the World Wide Web, you need two basic things:
The camera
The software.
You may have heard that you need a "video card." Not necessarily.
Many Webcam software packages perform the role of the video card. If the picture quality starts to bug you, you may want to drop the cash and get a card. But more on that later. It's assumed that you need a relatively modern computer, with processing power of at least 133 megahertz and a modern operating system such as Windows 95 or higher. First on the shopping list is the Webcamera. At the risk of insulting the intelligence of some of you, this is not the same thing as a handheld digital camera used for snapshots. Webcams are connected to your computer all the time.
Prices generally range from $40 to $300 for basic consumer cams.
Before you buy the camera, however, you need to know how you're going to connect to your computer -- which of your computer's "ports" you're going to hook it into. The two most used connections are now: USB :FIRE WIRE
Time To Shop
Once you know which port you're going to use, you can go shopping for a Webcam. You'll probably let price be your guide. You don't need to worry about high resolution and speed, because you won't be getting much performance anyway. Moving images usually consist of a slow series of snaps that look somewhat like movement. You should have an Internet connection of at least 56 kilobits per second, which is generally the lowest speed of most newer computers.
Many products on the market will hold your hand and walk you through setting up your own Webcam. But maybe you're into high-quality pictures. Maybe you want to set up your Webcam to update frequently. In that case, you may succumb to the urge to buy a video card. Before you go that route, be sure that your computer has a spare PCI slot available to hold the card.
Getting The Pictures Out
So now you've got your Webcam set up. If you want to share those images with the world, you need a Web page. You have to be dialed in to the Internet for the images to update. That means that you'll have to devote a phone line to be connected to the Internet for every minute that you want the images to update.
Still interested? Relax: You don't need a new computer to operate your Web page. Many hosting companies offer free Web space There's a final piece of the puzzle: How do people know where to find your Webcam? Get it listed on someone else's Web page
Last, Best Reason To Set Up A Cam
Webcams today may be mostly entertainment. But one use for projecting personal video across the Internet could hit the masses soon.
Again, the performance leaves a lot to be desired.
Pretty well any modern computer will do. However, you generally need high-speed Internet access (cable modem or DSL) to be more successful, because a lot of data has to be sent up and down the line.
Basically, all you have to do is hook up a Webcam, install phone software, and voila, you're in the future along with the Jetsons. Right now, the technology, like many other Internet technologies, is not perfect. But again, it is just around the corner. Many companies such as Intel, VideoPhone and VistaCom are offering crude versions, with herky-jerky motion video.
Webcams will one day bring us all closer together. They will enable families from far-flung regions to better stay in touch.When the technology improves to provide real-time, full-motion, full-screen video, viewers will be able to better see concerts and sporting events live and online. Viewers can look at cities around the world to see local weather and watch live special events.
Imagine if you could have seen a live Webcam of your young child's first day at school from your computer at work. And many immigrants would love to view images of their homeland at any time. These are now all generally available. Cameras can also be a great learning tool. Imagine having a camera set up so students can get a live, but safe, view of a volcano erupting. Hollywood would have nothing better to offer.Webcams will turn the broadcasting industry on its ear. Why watch what some broadcaster tells you? With a broad range of choices, you can watch whatever you want.
Webcams can also be used to ensure that your child is being treated well while at the babysitter's, or to look in on your dog at home to make sure he isn't on the couch. The possibilities are limited only by the imagination